To the Future: HEXIN Technology Co., Ltd Held a Brand Upgrade Conference

On March 27, HEXIN Technology held a brand upgrade conference. At the meeting, Chairman ALAN interpreted the company’s future development thinking and strategic planning from multiple perspectives such as corporate strategy, corporate culture, brand upgrade, and technological empowerment, and comprehensively demonstrated the new image of HEXIN Technology as a “leading brand of physical aesthetics”. Also, General Manager LEIO shared the industry trends and annual goals. At the end of the meeting, everyone also had a deep thinking about the future development of the industry and the company.

At the press conference, ALAN, chairman of the board of directors, took the lead to make an appearance and gave a comprehensive and profound interpretation of corporate culture, brand upgrades, and technological empowerment.

Take mission as the core, and guide the brand image with vision and values. ALAN stated that corporate culture is the fundamental basis and value premise for the sustainable development of a company. On the tenth anniversary of the establishment of Hexin Technology, the company launched a corporate culture upgrade project, conducted a number of comprehensive and in-depth interviews with company employees, fully excavated and summarized its own business philosophy, brand heritage and beliefs, and refined corporate culture.

The upgraded version of the corporate culture is endowed with new ways of expression and content interpretations, which further enriches the connotation of Hexin Technology’s corporate culture, allowing everyone to have a deeper understanding of the origin, development, and deepening process of the new technology culture. Meanwhile, it will provide more powerful cultural support to promote corporate cohesion as well as enhance the company’s cohesion and industry competitiveness.

We know that there will still be countless difficulties and challenges on the way forward, but we move forward fearlessly because we believe that just as we did when we started ten years ago, it is not because you see that you choose to believe, but because you believe, you will see.

Go beyond goals, break through yourself. “Goals are not for accomplishing, but for surpassing.” General Manager LEIO said in his speech that in the past ten years, and new technology from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, we have experienced trials and hardships. The team has grown from a few people at the beginning of its establishment to more than 300 employees and a high-profile enterprise in the industry. In 2020, the team still achieved a high growth rate of development, under an unprecedented and volatile environment, and also created a lot of seemingly impossible achievements. Behind the success, we need HEXIN people who are having dreams, down-to-earth, dare to think, and wiling to work.

At the same time, the glory of HEXIN Technology for the past ten years, is inseparable from the accompany and support of each HEXIN person all the way! The harder you work, the luckier you are. I believe that all the efforts will be enough to gain enough. Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence “It is simple because of trust”!

2021 is the 10th year of the establishment of HEXIN Technology. The company has demonstrated the vitality of advancing with the times and also demonstrated the unlimited development potential behind it. In the future, the company will adhere to the original aspiration of “Let Him/Her discover a more beautiful self”, with the vision of “Body Aesthetics Leading Brand”, with “Harmony and Cooperation, Innovation, Achievement of Customers Focusing on Professionalism, Responsibility, Honesty and Trustworthiness, Passionate Struggle and Gratitude” Code of conduct, bring beauty to the world!

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